121 Days of Prayer
Preserve and Protect the People You Have Chosen
The purposes of this prayer are: Protection, Mercy, Justice, Salvation and Gratitude.
Holy Lord, the psalmist made a passionate plea for your mercy and for protection from the Israelites’ enemies when he wrote, “Turn to us, Almighty God! Look down from heaven at us; come and save your people! Come and save this grapevine that you planted, this young vine that you made grow so strong! Our enemies have set it on fire and cut it down; look at them in anger and destroy them! Preserve and protect the people you have chosen, the nation you made strong. We will never turn away from you again; keep us alive and we will praise you. Bring us back, Lord God Almighty. Show us your mercy, and we will be saved.” Psalm 80:14–19 (TEV). Gracious Lord, faithful Christians everywhere thank you and praise you continuously because, through our faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus, you already have brought us back to you, extended your bountiful mercy to us and allowed us to hold on firmly to our eternal salvation that we obtain through Jesus’ atoning sacrifice on the cross for our sins. Thank you, Jesus! Amen.