121 Days of Prayer
Lord, You Have Been Our Refuge in Every Generation
The purposes of this prayer are: Wisdom and Illumination.
Majestic God, the book of Psalms contains all of the wisdom anyone could ever need. One of the surest unavoidable truths of life that becomes increasingly relevant with each passing year is our mortality, which the author of Psalm 90 expressed with supreme eloquence: “Lord, you have been our refuge in every generation. Before the mountains were born, before you gave birth to the earth and the world, from eternity to eternity, you are God. You return mankind to the dust, saying, ‘Return, descendants of Adam.’ For in your sight a thousand years are like yesterday, that passes by, like a few hours of the night. You end their lives; they sleep. They are like grass that grows in the morning- in the morning it sprouts and grows; by evening it withers and dries up.” Psalm 90:1–6 (CSB). Lord, we will all return to the dust one day. We believers who place our faith in Christ, our Savior, look forward with joy to the time when we will be with Jesus, partaking with all of the saints throughout the ages of his holy banquet. We know that our last breath in this body will lead directly to being in Christ’s presence. Praise God! Amen.