121 Days of Prayer
O Lord, What a Variety You Have Made!
The purposes of this prayer are: Sustenance, Glorify God/Worship and Gratitude.
Omnipotent God, the psalmist praised you for the many blessings you showered over your creation, saying, “O Lord, what a variety you have made! And in wisdom you have made them all! The earth is full of your riches. There before me lies the mighty ocean, teeming with life of every kind, both great and small. And look! See the ships! And over there, the whale you made to play in the sea. Every one of these depends on you to give them daily food. You supply it, and they gather it. You open wide your hand to feed them and they are satisfied with all your bountiful provision. But if you turn away from them, then all is lost. And when you gather up their breath, they die and turn again to dust. Then you send your Spirit, and new life is born to replenish all the living of the earth. Praise God forever! How he must rejoice in all his work!” Psalm 104:24–31 (TLB). Gracious Lord, we are filled with gratitude for the bountiful provision you have given to us. We pray that we may honor and worship you unceasingly, until you gather up our last breath. Amen.